4 different lifting tools for lifting maertials on site including kerbstones, glass, slabs and bricks

Making site lifting safer with our range of lifting tools

Showcasing our large range of unique lifting solutions on site.

Kerbstone lifter - listing heavy kerbstones made easier with this two person lifting tool.

Glass suction lifter.

Slab Lifting Tool - with locking mechanisim.

Brick Lifting Tool - enabling the safe carrying of 50KG between 6 and 10 bricks

All these tools have been designed to solve common issues on site when carrying various items. Poor lifting technique causes personnel injury and damage to materials ultimately costing the business. Investing in these product will keep site safer and the construction project running smoothly.

Click HERE to view these products in our store

4 different lifting tools, a kerbstone lifter, a brick lifter, a slab lifter and a glass suction tool.